Sweet N Vicious
Bonjour!!! Welcome to the crazy world of 6 unhinged teenagers ie Shubhz, Knshu, addi, Radz, Rushi n Priya Pathan. And if you don't understand anything about us.. don't worry most people don't!
Friday, July 29, 2005
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Music gets to me. It seriously does. Everything’s going fine and then I put on the music and I feel like escaping some pain. Pain, which I know nothing about. I mean I thought I was happy. What do I make of this? And then I can’t stop listening to music. So I somehow force myself to put it off and I switch to the guitar, practicing the chords and the scales. This doesn't seem to help either.
Then there are times when my brain works faster than I can handle. There are millions of things I want to say and do but I fail to catch up. There is just too much to say, to write.
All right, I am stopping right here. This is going too far. Not any more. But I’ll leave you with my favorite song. It’s just awesome.
When the rain comes by Third Day
When the rain comes
It seems that everyone has gone away
when the night falls you wonder if you shouldn't
find someplace
To run and hide
Escape the pain
But hiding's such a lonely thing to do
I can't stop the rain
From falling down on you again
I can't stop the rain
But I will hold you 'til it goes away
When the rain comes you blame it on the things that
you have done
When the storm fades you know that rain must fall
on everyone
Rest awhile
It’ll be all right
No one loves you like I do
I can't stop the rain
From falling down on you again
I can't stop the rain
But I will hold you 'til it goes away
Thursday, July 21, 2005
The art of messiness
Few people can appreciate the art and skill of messiness. It is a virtue only attained by some very lucky dudes and dudettes. Creating a mess contrary to popular belief isn't disgusting and a sign of incompetence. But it is a sign of luxury and comfort in your skin.
Take me for example when you will enter my room, to a common man say like Akanksha (popularly known as knshu) it will seem like a scene from the movie Twister (about tornados) but to a skilled and smart mortal ( still in the search for someone) it will be a mark of my individualism and creativeness.
Not just anyone can be a master in this rare art. It requires practice, patience and immunity towards reaction of parents. Not every dick and Harry have these rare qualities. To make a room messy. You just don't throw things. You place them carefully. In a way to make you feel comfortable and homely, in an order where you shall obtain your peace. The secret is to let yourself loose. To reach that point when you are immune to what anyone thinks or says. Its very spiritual actually. Just like Yoga (without all the bugging "asans" ofcourse)
so dudes and dudettes. Spread the spirit. Spread Messiness. Cleanliness is an epidemic which must be wiped from the face of the earth. Mankind is threatened by it. Start when? Start NOW!
Sunday, July 17, 2005
What a weekend...
Seriously. I haven’t had a better weekend for so long. Everything seemed to have fallen in place. Saturday particularly was one of the most awesome days. I really did have the time of my life, reading the best book so far of the HP series.
Saturday started off with a surprise. I woke up late. My dad had come. I was talking to him about how excited I was with HP6 released. We kind of sorted out the plans. I was to take my bath and then go with him to get the book. I had my breakfast and then suddenly my parents wanted to go shopping which meant I could not have started with the book before lunch.
Taking into consideration my super slow speed of reading books and of course the fact that I wanted to get over with reading the book on the same day, I started persuading them to drop their plans. They didn’t seem to pay heed to my demands. My tone was still pleading when my dad dropped the pretence. He pulled the book from underneath the pillow and handed it to me. And the rest they say was worth recording. I was running around the house, shouting at the top of my voice, kissing the book.
I finished reading it by the evening. But I must say there were times I wanted to kill Shubhi. She had as a matter of fact called me up in the morning and had announced Bill and Fleur’s marriage. This part however was revealed early on. She had apparently read the last page of the book- typical of her. I forgave her for this. But when I was a bit over halfway through the book, this woman calls me up, crying. I naturally did get worried. Then it turns out, she is crying because of the book. This made one thing obvious. I knew someone very crucial was going to be dead. I know you would say that was already known but the confirmation before I was prepared to take it was what did the harm. During the rest of the book, I kept wondering who it would be. I know I was sub-cautiously doing that but now it had become more apparent. Anyway I did figure out I had to stop contemplating Shubhi’s murder and continue reading.
My parents however did go for some work. They came back late at night which meant I was left free to read the book in peace.
Saturday ended with me finishing the book.
As far as today is concerned, I loved it as well. Anoushaka turned three today. I spent the day at her birthday party.
It was a truly amazing weekend.
And before I forget, it’s Jada’s birthday tomorrow. Got to go, send her wishes.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Harry Potter and The half Blood Prince
WARNING : For all those who haven't finished the book or don't want to know the ending don't read the following article..
Okay in my whole life I haven't cried in a book. But in this book, I wept. Especially the ending. Though this book is the most sad of the lot, I have come to the conclusion that it is the best. It throws cold water on any dream, we had of a Fairy tale ending. Harry Potter has finally come of age.
Major events
- Severus Snape is the half Blood Prince
- Severus is on the dark side
- Severus kills Dumbledore
- Many events get revealed about Voldermort's life.
- Draco becomes a death eater.. Though he isn't able to kill dumbledore
- Hogwarts gets closed down
- Even if it doesn't close down Harry, hermione, and Ron wont come back. Instead they will start the battle against Voldemort
- Bill gets attacked by a werewolf
- Bill and fleur get married
- Harry and Ginny start dating!!! Though Harry breaks up with her.. Because its too dangerous (felt like a fanfic there)
- Events which make a pathway to Ron and Hermione falling in love in the future books
- Harry made quidditch captain
- Lupin and tonks in love
In many places the book felt like a fanfic.. Especially the part where Harry breaks up with Ginny coz its too dangerous. And the fighting between Hermione and Ron, when Ron starts to go out with Lavender. And Tonks in love with Lupin. I was so surprised Harry didn't seem to be all obsessed with sirius death. I think the book was purposely written like this, setting a stage for the seventh. When I suspect Harry will die. The whole book is about the sixth year, Harry and dumbledore become very close. Dumbledore takes Harry through memories in pensieve to unravel voldemorts life and in the end while returning from the search of one voldemorts souls (climax that is) they realize draco has gotten 3 death eaters. Dumbledore is weak due to a potion he was made to drink and paralyses harry. So when Draco cant kill dumbledore Severus does. It shows the major weakness of Dumbledore. Trust. He trusted snape, eventhough Harry kept trying to convince him. Then ofcourse the funeral takes place. When Harry tells Ron n hermione he wont come back and they say they will go wherever he goes. And the book ends
The basic theory of the half blood prince is that. Snape in his potions class made a lot of corrections in his book. Harry found the book and used the revised potions which made him an instant success. This lead to him relying heavily on the book. Half blood prince because snape was half muggle and half pure blood; his mother's real name is ellie Prince. So in the book he signs of as Half blood Prince. The book has a lot about him. How he deals with voldemort, helps draco and betrays dumbledore.
The book is definitely the best one. Unlike the others Its not not lighthearted and not fairy tale like. You see the characters in very strong roles. Its kind of too strong sometimes. But definetly worth it. All fan-fics written about this book will have to be rewritten cause there is no fairytale left.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
happiness in the air
hello everybody
i no i dont blog!!!(i'm sorry akanksha!) but today im just on top of da world.WEEKEND'S HERE!!!
life suddenly started sounding fun, i mean shubhi has already thrown sum lite on the fact this week end is HISTORIC.
ya and skool doesnt seem tht bad either and its true. we crazy people do ntn but laugh and talk the ENTIRE DAY. what more cud u ask for
of corse my 49.5/50 in maths has really left me elated( also coz the other marks are not worth talkin bout!)
and yes HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF BLODDED PRINCE will finally be in my hands and NO MONDAY TEST
and dont get me started on bdays
karishma's was today
akanksha's on 12 aug(dont forget 2 wish her)
and shubhi's on 17 aug
so here and there im stuck in between planning for either one of them!
so i guess life is finally smiling and
IM SOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
njkdsbv,n.lgbn: to sum up this blog entry

Hello fellowbloggermen (or women I am not biased here)
Those of you who are wondering why I put up this Parental Advisory sign are as lost as i am. I just put it coz i thought it was cute. This blog, you perverts has nothing to do with anything with pervertedness. Its an extremely harmless entry on my life in general....
This weekend, the release of HP6 + no MT + no Aggarwal class+ Karishmas Bday = A weekend to go down in history! As Akanksha would say "Can you ask anything more from life?" And then as she would add "Yeah meeting Ganguly!" quote and unquote.
The past few days have had some surprising incidents those including some one telling a blushing Akanksha shes cute, Sophie (our math teacher) being absent, Me actually having fun in school. and ofcourse how can one forget me doing well in English (surprise surprise).
I know i havent blogged for a long time but thats because of a number of reasons, for instance my stupid connection acting weird, my stupid friend spreading stupid stories ( u no who) and me going out of station (nothing stupid bout tht) Yeah i again went for a holiday. Just before the all important IT exam... Oh my god you wont believe how paranoid i was. I studied so hard. I came back at 9 pm and studied like for almost half an hour. What could I do yaar? My course just woulodn't finish! And one tree Hill was being shown on TV. Now Akanksha wanted me to tell everyone bout my trips to the States n Banglalore (thts where i went) but i dont feel like I rather write rubbish.
More news includes my birthday drawing near and akankshas too ( this time i dont want a comment solely dedicated to criticism on not mentioning her birthday) and ofcourse my sister on her quaterly visit, Me going to have dinner at Diva with my cuzin sis and...... me deciding to post lots of pictures, not necessarily of myself.
For now i shall take a hike into the unknown deserts of Surbabia. And get ready to eat some yummy Pasta ("how fatening"- Aditii) Therefore i shall not bore you A second longer
farewell my poor unfortunate souls
Monday, July 11, 2005
End of a not-just-another-week...
It’s been a very long time indeed. The last week has been particularly very hectic and hard.
Hectic, of course because our dear school had planned our exams in a stretch, without any break. This left us with considerably less time assuming the fact that our parents and our teachers expected us to study for these exams in the holidays. I mean don’t we have better things to do than study for exams, which are, in no respect, going to have an impact on our final percentage?
I remember the time, that is, last year when I had studied like hell for these exams.
The Result: very satisfactory but the there wasn’t one bit of those marks reflecting in the final report card. I know most people were happy with that but what about me? Anyhow, this wasn’t the reason I didn’t study for more that a few days for these exams. There is more to it including my utter ignorance. I felt a need for spending time on the chapters that would’ve bothered me.
Hard, I say, because I had studied very little for these exams and thus the burden was laid on the few hours we had before the next exam. I practically had to hunt for sleep at night. There was always this thought of the morning revision haunting me. I needed to check 100 times for the alarm clock to be set at 4 am and then of course beg my mom to let me get up early for one last revision.
To add to all of this was my invigilator. What an invigilator we had! She would practically take hours in getting to the person in need of a sheet. Her slow motion left us with 15 less minutes. But the horror was during the science exam when the correction came in late and in I was left in utter mess. My otherwise perfect paper was left in miserable hell when I missed a 3 MARKS question in bio. The second half of our class was on the other hand given extra time. Lucky Shubhi!
The last week can be in short put as a complete shock treatment. And the fact that there is a lot more than this in store doesn’t possibly leave me in peace.
Coming on to today, the exams did officially end. Three cheers to all those who survived them!
And good luck for the coming week. It’s going to be another hard one. Its time for the answer sheets, sweetie!
Till the next time, I leave you with a prayer in my heart. Together we shall face the tough days.