Sunday, November 27, 2005

Long time...

I’m sorry but I couldn’t help thinking about it…this sad irony of life.

I couldn’t help thinking about the fact that when the winter winds would be sweeping over the northern hemisphere and when very so conveniently people would be taking out their hot water bottles to stay in bed and enjoy their winter breaks, there would be another section of 15 (±1) year olds, who would be hopelessly sitting and mugging up even more hopeless chapters. I write not to stir your softer selves. I want no sympathies. But a prayer would do.

There was a time when winter vacations spelt fun and loads of coziness and comfort. It implied Christmas parties and tons of gifts. And it entailed shopping (frown). Yet, this year, it means no more than staring into some preposterously written books on Indian agriculture (for heaven’s sake!!). I’ve never known this feeling. I have not been, as yet, deprived of my rightful winter sleep so awfully. There are many things in life that money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s money. Sigh.

This season might not see much of me. This season, when this blog (in all high spirits(?)) completes it’s first year it won’t see much light. For we would have our pre-boards lined up and if God be so gracius (detect sarcasm), pre-pre-boards. And our priorities set (detect {aa}rushism). But well, who says there are people who don’t go through that phase. I have interesting things (detect sarcasm) to look forward to. One month of giving boards.

I know I would have probably said this like a million of times but just to reiterate how poor my intuition is, I never thought 2005-06 would ever come. Somehow, never crossed my mind that I would see this time. Anyways, that’s life. When you’re busy making other plans, it hits you. And I have no idea how that makes sense.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

So time after time we keep talkin about the weird g^'s in our class.... not once explainin why we have actually branded those hapless souls (read:wannabe be male!!)... Today i have decided to bring all the skeletons out of the closet.. and tell everyone.. Why we arn't some incorrigble meanos... but are actually intellectuals of the highest kind.. who have given names to some mind intellectuals of the lowest kind( if u mind me saying so)

The Legend Of G^
Once upon a time... there were some very intelligent nobles... having a flair for discovering the truth... don't worry this isn't a story about a princess and a frog but even better. About a very confused kingdom where these very intelligent nobles went. This kingdom was seen as the most intelligent of all kingdoms with some very apt courtesons.. In this kingdom of high priests, the army was quite eccentric.. lead by a very woolly headed knight.. This knight had some special qualities, he was a self confessed philander. Philandry nothing special about that right?? But the astonishing part was, it was with men! And those also of his own army... NO No don't get wrong was his army, who was quite wild about him.., he no no... he liked to feign that he was a quite ladies man... But the nobles knew better.
Now this was a time when homesexuality wasn't a taboo.. but society was harsh.. society was cruel and society was terrible.. Though the nobles supported homesexuality to the full, but who can give up the chance of making mockery of an airhead knight? What were they blockheaded? So they did.. all in good intentions. They decided to personally knight this frightened knight ( of revealing his feelings) with the coveted title of "G square" which meant gay gentleman. This coveted title was later won by many other generals in this army. But the knight so outraged by this sudden and abrupt rise (read: nobles) calling him homo. He acted like quite a goosy. And ignored it all (which i must admit though dumb but very good sportingly). So while his applause dies down.. many other a genral rose to even higher heights.. And to talk about hipocrisy.. he too started making a mockery of this one patircular general.. who was clearly devoted to his excellency. When sad situations like these take place. The articulate nobles butted in and decided to show the knight his respectful place in society. Which they continue to do so. So they now all live happily ever after. ( except the knight who is still desperatly trying to get the females back)
The END!

Moral: Need I say more???

Monday, November 14, 2005

da carnival


the carnival was so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i no for sure tht evy1 will agree wid me coz it was 1 of the best carnivals ive had in da skool.
im really glad tht v hav carnivals but really sad tht its over.i guess i got carried away i dint want it to ever end!!!but all good things come to an end and now all i can look forward to is harry potter 4 and da picnic!
rite now its just the sst test which i and rest of class 10th is So not looking forward to.

but apart from this


to evybdy coz deep down inside evy1 is a child and this day u can bring it out(this to all the oldies and adults!coz im still a kid)
and 2 all the ppl hu dont hav carnivals

im sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Well this is the first time I'm actually typing out something I wrote but anyway....


I remember those days
And they make me smile,
But I can't help but feel sad
And long to go back all that while.

I remember those times,
And I'm ready to do anything
To be able to live those moments again,
Though I know things can never be the same.

Every smile or tear is going into the mind as a memory
And each passing moment is becoming a thing of the past
But we have to learn to enjoy every moment,
Experience the joy of things till they last.

Memories never fail to bring a smile on my face one moment,
But the very next moment they bring a tear in my eye.
I sometimes think those things never happened and I was just dreaming,
But they're the things I never wanna let go,
Coz without memories life would have no meaning.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

happy diwali

hello evybdy

sorry for wishin so late but


i hope evybdy enjoyed their hols like i did

and for all hu study in dpsrkp wake up to reality skool open 2morrow and v r gonna b welcomed wid answer sheets!!!

so best of luck and c y'all

Friday, November 04, 2005

A quick update

Down the middle,
drops one more grain of sand
They say that a new life,
makes losing life easier to understand.

Okay, so I thought this week would turn out to be the best I would have had in a long time. But it was not to be. There are times when I don’t exactly know what is going wrong but this week I had it all figured out…too many things, I guess.

For one, I wasn’t able to resume my guitar classes. Hell.
I haven’t been able to work that well on my project. In simple words, I think it sucks big time.
I didn’t exactly see a lot of peace at home. Arguments, what else?
Most importantly, I’ve not been able to do the one thing that I was looking forward to.

And overall, it’s been a depressing week barring the fact that India won all the four ODIs convincingly. I know I’m mad. Thank you.
The shopping spree has been extremely tedious. Just to reiterate, I hate shopping.

And for the record, I’m only left with about 100 pages of Kane & Abel. It’s been a good read as of now.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


My dog sits frightened and scared. The light of the diyas illuminitating the house. Peace shadows shreads of doubt and separatism. All these signs immedeately remind me of the dawn of Diwali. Diwali is for indians, what christmas is for the world. It is the dawn of the new year, the symbol of peace and prosperity. And it is one of the days, where caste religion language don't matter.
But Diwali also brings with it boring mornings at your fathers friends places. So much mithai that you could puke. And with so many people pulling at your cheaks that you would think that the rouge companies in India would go bankrupt ( with every developing natural Blushes)!!!! And ofcourse there are those 50 year old aunties who see you every year and remark "oye baby how much have you grown.. you loook so grown up since i saw you as a 2 year old!"Yeah that is Diwali...... annoying at times... but well on the whole a pretty fun day!
Thoigh i might add the crackers are awfully annoying!! Loud and obnoxious.. Create so much pollution that you think very soon you will be dying of asthama... I hope no one burnt crackers this diwali........
Anyways to everyone
Happy Diwali!!! and A really Great New Year!!
Don't forget to eat loads
Drink loads (but don't blame me after that and certainly hide it from your parents)
And ofcourse have an AWESOME time.....
and please for heavens sake dont burst fire crackers......
Loads of love