njkdsbv,n.lgbn: to sum up this blog entry

Hello fellowbloggermen (or women I am not biased here)
Those of you who are wondering why I put up this Parental Advisory sign are as lost as i am. I just put it coz i thought it was cute. This blog, you perverts has nothing to do with anything with pervertedness. Its an extremely harmless entry on my life in general....
This weekend, the release of HP6 + no MT + no Aggarwal class+ Karishmas Bday = A weekend to go down in history! As Akanksha would say "Can you ask anything more from life?" And then as she would add "Yeah meeting Ganguly!" quote and unquote.
The past few days have had some surprising incidents those including some one telling a blushing Akanksha shes cute, Sophie (our math teacher) being absent, Me actually having fun in school. and ofcourse how can one forget me doing well in English (surprise surprise).
I know i havent blogged for a long time but thats because of a number of reasons, for instance my stupid connection acting weird, my stupid friend spreading stupid stories ( u no who) and me going out of station (nothing stupid bout tht) Yeah i again went for a holiday. Just before the all important IT exam... Oh my god you wont believe how paranoid i was. I studied so hard. I came back at 9 pm and studied like for almost half an hour. What could I do yaar? My course just woulodn't finish! And one tree Hill was being shown on TV. Now Akanksha wanted me to tell everyone bout my trips to the States n Banglalore (thts where i went) but i dont feel like I rather write rubbish.
More news includes my birthday drawing near and akankshas too ( this time i dont want a comment solely dedicated to criticism on not mentioning her birthday) and ofcourse my sister on her quaterly visit, Me going to have dinner at Diva with my cuzin sis and...... me deciding to post lots of pictures, not necessarily of myself.
For now i shall take a hike into the unknown deserts of Surbabia. And get ready to eat some yummy Pasta ("how fatening"- Aditii) Therefore i shall not bore you A second longer
farewell my poor unfortunate souls
Oh my dear precious lord!!
When will u put enough sense into this unfateful friend of mine who refuses to digest the fact tht I am NOT obsessed with ganguly for heaven's sake.
And btw wen did I blush? Pls stop making up stuff!
And it should've been "akanksha's b'day drawing closer n mine too"
Alright, I am in no mood of getting mad at u...ur lucky day indeed, sweetie!!
ha u think!!!
Hey ladies!!!
Okay that was quite funny
Anyways loved talking to ya all
fattening!! i gorge on pasta woman!!!!!!!!!!
anyway i think people will spread stories coz U DONT TELL US!!!
p.s y were u absent ??
Mark, just 1 question, why in heavens did u put ur link as google?
Shubhi, wotevr!
n btw adi, wat does Shubhi not tell us?
Or was tht comment directed towrds Mark?
minakshi bidkar??? sophie???
and u studied IT for 30 whole minutes.. isnt tht 2 much?? and u wernt evn able 2 finish th cours? thts really bad....
thts y i alwayz think ure bein sarcastic..
n y r ppl obsessd wid ganguly?? y dnt u shift 2 sum1 bettr like dravid?? atleast hes worth the obsession
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