What i will always remember about China (and also miss)
- the making up our own chinese language. and babbling it in front o
f the chinese. Who just thought we were speaking "indian"
- the losing something every second
- the Sneaking into the boys room at 11 pm.. and staying there till 2
- the speaking in hindi to annoy the chings
- the 100% efficiency
- The 101 videos and picture sessions
- the pillow fights at 1 am
- the making maggi in electric kettles at 1 am
- teh penguin walk!!
- the morning scene of << mini:guys wats the time?... aanya and shubhi (still asleep): who cares... mini:its 7 05!!! ..aanya and shubhi: SHIT!! we have to be downstairs at 7 15>>
- the brushing together in overflowing basins
- the Playing confessions and videographing them!
- the falling asleep on each others shoulders
- the group bargaining
- the Rappie
- the tears at seeing burgers.. and disgust at chineese food
- the feeling after every pathetic conference day that we would be together soon
- the hugs and "woh aye nii's"
- the tears that we shared and the hope we hopefully brought
- the friendship
that blossomed out of nowhere
- China itself and its wonderful people
I'm always going to remember this trip, not just for the experience but for the people.. I just want to thank you guys so much (read:Ankit, Hemantika, Aanya and Vipul) You guys were amazing. Thanks for putting up with me and my constant stupidity (losing things and what not) Thanks for being there (through the subway thing). I love you guys sooo much. Woh aye nii!!
aaaw....i am glad u enjoyed urself! Sounds loadsa fun!
oh my god!!!!! i agggre wid aaalll off this...
bt i hate u fr mentionin "rappie" under the "things ud neva frget"...coz i sugest u frget this earliest posible!!! haha...
trust me...i also neva eva expected tht we r gona end up bcumin like ssuuucchhh ggguddd freenzz after this trip...
oh n yeah...my mum too was disgusted at the idea of "overflowin basins"
dnt say we put up wid u...shubhssss...woo ayee niiii...!!
luv ya all
i'll just express everythying which i want to say in three words,
for all u guys who were their in the trip:-
"" woh aiie Nii""
lol chinese return!!
Seems like you had alot of fun and didnt miss us at all!
But I did!
Love you girl, and next time when you leave atleast inform me!
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