Wednesday, May 24, 2006

6 AM!!! have they bluddy well lost it..!!! Now i wont be able 2 sleep at night!!!! And dare any one tell me its not that bad!!! How the hell can you sleep, when you know in some time yopu are going to get the results of a year long studying!! But While we are at that. BEST OF LUCK to everyone..... well i need it 2.. so best of luck 2 me 2! I'm sure everyone will do well, or we can have a mass mourning session!!!
Loved you till it lasted... (YOu can see Im a total Optimist!!)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Best of luck!!!!!

The results will come on 26th .So will our fate displayed on the computer screen. NOT. Ibn is doing a special segment on ‘life after board results.’ Radio mirchi is doing one called ‘results ka bhukhar’ and inviting students to share their anxiety and apprehension. The press however is too busy with the coverage of anti-quota protests. Arjun singh was on devil’s advocate today. He refused to take a stand or reveal anything except the fact that he is a devoted servant of the parliament. Kissa kursi ka typical. He had the audacity to question the authenticity of a study conducted by the NSSO which by the way is a governmental body. Catch the repeat if you have nothing better to do. I hope we all do really well for the simple reason that when you work your ass off for something and you don’t get it, you obviously tend to feel down. Right? But it won’t be the end of the word in case things don’t work out. Toss this on my face in case things don’t work out for me. Yeah, it won’t be the end of the word. I can always go to raju public or do a vocational course in carpentry or a course in make-up designing from pearl. Agrima promised that she would come with me. Ok, that was a bad one. Stephen’s gives a 10% weightage to 10 std results. And to think 10 years from now we will be laughing at the ‘childish fecklessness of the old times.’ The language paper results can be grossly unpredictable though. Not that it matters much in the long run. Frankly what matters is a minimum of 60 in maths. Ok, so I have been bantering on for a long time. I’ll end this post by wishing everyone who’s expecting their results best of luck. I hope you don’t need it!!!!!!!!!! rock on. I hope the heavens open up and all the marks come pouring out!!!!!!

Monday, May 15, 2006

Maul mein sociology

Having gone to the maul(mall for the semantically challenged), I think I can safely take the liberty of commenting on this ‘substitute world.’ The eventful morning was swathed in yellow sunshine. I woke up at 10. That’s routine. I distinctly remember that I’d had a bad dream. So what’s new???????? My mom asked me to be ready by 11 as we were to leave for the maul per se. I was promptly ready by 11:20 but we couldn’t leave before 12 which is totally my brother’s fault. Why does he have to importune my bathroom with his oh so unwanted presence? He takes eternity to get ready. I hate his guts. He was blaming me. What nerve I tell you!! We were going because he wanted floaters. When we were coming out of nike, I held the door open for this dudette. It’s a totally chronic thing. She was talking on her cellphone and deigned to give me an eloquent glance as if in commemoration of the fact that I were her chauffeur. silence is golden. Wrong, silence can be patronizing. Hence began my expedition. I almost convinced my brother to get a cute pair of pink floaters. The salesman helped me in my noble endeavor. He didn’t take the bait. I got the pair for myself. Yeah, I succumbed to the world of pop couture. I think jug suraiya wrote that everyone between 12 and 24 is a maul brat. He was talking about IQ. Though my affirmation does not hold good/convincing/whatever, the veracity of these lines should not be doubted. We had a meal at pizza hut and three guys about my age were sitting in the vicinity. We were eating in synchronization. I figured they had performed the feat of achieving the ultimate nadir of IQ and I remembered suraiya. And it’s not like they were cute either. Fusssssss. I went to archies to get a card for mothers day. My brother was still pigging. Mom was with him. And the next thing I know is that the guys are back. The fake jewelry section this time. They were embarrassed when I saw them but sought my help anyway. I chose a pair of chunky earrings. The kind I never wear. They bought them. ha ha ha !!!! Conclusion: Sociologists can experiment in mauls

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hitting a birdie and other stories

When vacations started, my father promptly announced that I was going to start golf lessons. I actually didn't mind until I realized that involved getting up at 6:30-7 am every morning. Nonetheless I felt it would be an experience and perhaps my vacations would seem longer than they normally do (my normal waking time is about 11-12 am, which coming down to hours cuts down my vacations).
Golf has happy memories for me. When I was in the seventh grade, my sister had been at home for whole 2 months. And me, my sis n my mom went along with my dad to play. It used to be fun.. Seeing my mom try her hardest to swing that club and fail miserably. Or that weirdly old golfer who tried to flirt with ma soeur. Or my mom finally giving up one fine day coz she was afraid staying in the sun would make her age prematurely. Yup full of happy memories. One of the most striking incidents that I Remember is when this one time when we were playing, a really hot shot dude came along. With proper golf clothing and shoes. And of course a set of obviously expensive clubs. He came and took the place in front of me. And proceeded to boast to his neighbor how he could almost hit the ball 100-200 yards. He got ready. Took his club out. Adjusted in his position and took an aim. Alas it did go 100 yards but it wasn't the ball. It was the club. As a child of 11 years, this was probably an extremely funny situation for me therefore I think I can excuse myself for throwing my club aside and rolling on the ground laughing. I remember it as a hilarious incident, my parents remember it as an embarrassing one which involved my sister pulling me up and apologizing to the very infuriated golfer.
Now coming back to the present day. I realized I didn't really remember any of it anymore. Hence my coach has started my instruction from scratch. And very unlike wine, my golfing sense hasn't matured with age. Though Im not "very pathetic", I am not extremely good either. On my first class I had hit everything with my balls ants, pebbles, trees, peoples golf clubs... And very narrowingly missing my fellow golfers. I even hit a bird, two birds actually ( 2 which my cuzin excitedly told me "you've just started playing.. How dya get so gud!". Not realizing the birdie I was talking about wasn't the golfing birdie.. Which only extremely good golfers like Tiger Woods can hit but the one which has wings birdie. And yes very reluctantly I did clear his doubts) ! But there were a few things which I did want to hit with my ball but failed too, like the really geeky weirdos who were miserably trying to flirt with me or the annoying man who would start telling me how I needed help (he later corrected himself to emphasize golf help).
O well... I am getting better now.. I don't swing and miss too much. And my coach told me I could probably start at the course soon (2 which I laughed). And there is a really cute guy learning with me. And my mom tries to be nicer to me, now that I get up at time. Yup it all seems to be good (and not just the guy part!)

Monday, May 08, 2006

Pity VS I

Can this be? Has it been done before? Do others think that it is possible? When you abscond yourself and forsake your independent judgment, you become a zombie and lose your sense of reality. Reality becomes relation. Judgment, recurrence. Creation, plagiarism. Merit, mirage. Pity, virtue. Pity, one of the cardinal evils on earth is portrayed as an embodiment of virtue. I think it’s monstrous. I went for a social service camp and I saw it many people’s eyes. I saw pity. I did not see kindness. I did not like it. Who were these people consoling? Themselves or the people they were seeing? Ayn rand wrote,” It’s easier to donate a few thousands to charity and to think oneself noble than to base self-respect on personal standards of personal achievement.” Do you feel noble when there is an accident in front of your eyes on the road and you turn away in ‘revulsion’ and ‘pity?’ My idea is not to resent these people. I cannot resent them. The only difference between them and us is that we were born lucky. But it is also true that everyone is endowed with the faculty of judgment and choice eventually. I don’t want to pity them. I want to enable them. The day pity becomes an outlet of your incompetence, you will lose your sense of self. Keep it at bay.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

My mom keeps telling me, the real world to be seen is through the eyes of those who dont have what we do. In the past 4 days, that is exactly what I did. I met to a few individuals, who in normal circumstances I wouldn't have been able to. I related to them at a level which even astounded my own mind.
Alot of my batch mates oohed and aahed at the beautiful houses and lushing green at a visit to the SOS Village. What most of them didn't see was the compassion in the eyes of each of the surrogate mothers. SOS Village runs on the concept of a mother taking care of 7-10 children in a home like environment. But these children are given a house to live in. A house made of stone. For the house to become a home is a challenge at a different level. So when I went there, I saw 20 homes, full of love.
Often people connect social service with money. Its true you need money for helping those who don't have it. But sometimes help is not just financial. Its inspirational, its faith, its belief. I consider myself to be quite compassionate but ir ealized i like most people live in ignorance too. Some years ago, Me and my sister were travelling in the car. We had stopped at a red light. A couple of children with unruly hair came and banged at the door. Aware of the beggars scandle I ignored. My sister quietly opened the window and gave them the rest of the packet of biscuits she had been eating. And then she told me "Yeah its true that it is a racket. But they are so small, its not by choice that they are driven into it." I opened my mouth to argue. She cut me off "don't give them money. Give them some water or something to eat. Keep a packet of biscuits in the car. U'll be surprised to know, how they are treated by their masters." And thats what I have done from then on.
Yes you need money to build institutions like CRY, Blind School. But you need compassion, belief faith and empathy to run them.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

My first social service camp

This week's been so incredible. It's witnessed the start of a 2 month long summer vacation and most importantly, our first attempt at full fledged social service. The whole experience has been beyond tremendous. I've tried to capture some of the moments and here is my attempt at reproducing them.
Our schedule got us to a great start at the old age home. I'll never forget Miriam aunty: her stories, her albums, her room, how she had started crying while talking to us, her preferance of Bombay over Delhi!!! and the beatiful time we spent with her.

Above: Ishita(in green), Shubhs, me with Shraddha n Adi at the SOS kindergarten.

Tuesday was SOS Village; almost took us 2 hours reaching Faridabad from our school. But it was definitely worth it. It's basically an organisation for the orphans. There are different houses alloted to each family, which comprises of 8-10 children and a mother. I loved the whole concept and the campus was awesome. It was great getting to interact with the kids and browsing through the houses, which were btw very well done.

Left: Pond(?) outside the SOS kindergarten.

We had Blind School scheduled for wednesday. Honestly, I think it was a huge dissapointment after tje initial two days but an experience nevertheless. We had zero interaction cause the school was on vacations. However, we got a briefing, got the feel of a recording room and a factory room sorts, which has a business of about 15 lakh rupees per year in candle manufacture.

Today, we visited the Tamana Special School and Nai Disha; both of which are for children with autism, etc.
While Tamana deals with mostly kids under the age of 17, Nai Disha is an instute imparting vocational training to special people. It was again one of the most enriching experience.
We went in the bakery at Nai Disha and we realized how much more the special kids knew than we did. Most of us had no idea as to how a cake is prepared!!!

Above: gurl power captured by Aviral!!!

Yesterday, when we were leaving Nai Disha, Aviral wanted a picture with Sharad, who had the wittiest mind to tease people. Naturally, Aviral could relate to him!!
Soon after I clicked the pic, Sharad very innocently asks Aviral,"Are you gents or ladie??"
Agrima and I were completely on the floor, laughing.

Above: a sign board on the Tamana entrance lobby.

So, here we have Sharad and Aviral "pretty boy".