Sunday, May 14, 2006

Hitting a birdie and other stories

When vacations started, my father promptly announced that I was going to start golf lessons. I actually didn't mind until I realized that involved getting up at 6:30-7 am every morning. Nonetheless I felt it would be an experience and perhaps my vacations would seem longer than they normally do (my normal waking time is about 11-12 am, which coming down to hours cuts down my vacations).
Golf has happy memories for me. When I was in the seventh grade, my sister had been at home for whole 2 months. And me, my sis n my mom went along with my dad to play. It used to be fun.. Seeing my mom try her hardest to swing that club and fail miserably. Or that weirdly old golfer who tried to flirt with ma soeur. Or my mom finally giving up one fine day coz she was afraid staying in the sun would make her age prematurely. Yup full of happy memories. One of the most striking incidents that I Remember is when this one time when we were playing, a really hot shot dude came along. With proper golf clothing and shoes. And of course a set of obviously expensive clubs. He came and took the place in front of me. And proceeded to boast to his neighbor how he could almost hit the ball 100-200 yards. He got ready. Took his club out. Adjusted in his position and took an aim. Alas it did go 100 yards but it wasn't the ball. It was the club. As a child of 11 years, this was probably an extremely funny situation for me therefore I think I can excuse myself for throwing my club aside and rolling on the ground laughing. I remember it as a hilarious incident, my parents remember it as an embarrassing one which involved my sister pulling me up and apologizing to the very infuriated golfer.
Now coming back to the present day. I realized I didn't really remember any of it anymore. Hence my coach has started my instruction from scratch. And very unlike wine, my golfing sense hasn't matured with age. Though Im not "very pathetic", I am not extremely good either. On my first class I had hit everything with my balls ants, pebbles, trees, peoples golf clubs... And very narrowingly missing my fellow golfers. I even hit a bird, two birds actually ( 2 which my cuzin excitedly told me "you've just started playing.. How dya get so gud!". Not realizing the birdie I was talking about wasn't the golfing birdie.. Which only extremely good golfers like Tiger Woods can hit but the one which has wings birdie. And yes very reluctantly I did clear his doubts) ! But there were a few things which I did want to hit with my ball but failed too, like the really geeky weirdos who were miserably trying to flirt with me or the annoying man who would start telling me how I needed help (he later corrected himself to emphasize golf help).
O well... I am getting better now.. I don't swing and miss too much. And my coach told me I could probably start at the course soon (2 which I laughed). And there is a really cute guy learning with me. And my mom tries to be nicer to me, now that I get up at time. Yup it all seems to be good (and not just the guy part!)


Blogger Suparna said...

oh god..u hit a bird as in panchi!?!? let avani read this..our animal protectioner lol..wah n here i thut u actaully hit a birdie..sigh expectin too much wasnt i

8:40 AM, May 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was Hilarious!!
Hopefully Maneka Gandhi isn't reading this!!

11:06 AM, May 14, 2006  
Blogger ThinkingWanderer said...

Shubhi Nigam!!...
Suparna is right!!Iwill be mad when i read this..i mean comeon girl..
birds ki kya galti hai!
lekin on a lighter note...gud gud..ur gettng better..i think u'll do us all proud one day!:D..keep it up shubhlums!

10:59 AM, May 21, 2006  

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