Thursday, November 17, 2005

So time after time we keep talkin about the weird g^'s in our class.... not once explainin why we have actually branded those hapless souls (read:wannabe be male!!)... Today i have decided to bring all the skeletons out of the closet.. and tell everyone.. Why we arn't some incorrigble meanos... but are actually intellectuals of the highest kind.. who have given names to some mind intellectuals of the lowest kind( if u mind me saying so)

The Legend Of G^
Once upon a time... there were some very intelligent nobles... having a flair for discovering the truth... don't worry this isn't a story about a princess and a frog but even better. About a very confused kingdom where these very intelligent nobles went. This kingdom was seen as the most intelligent of all kingdoms with some very apt courtesons.. In this kingdom of high priests, the army was quite eccentric.. lead by a very woolly headed knight.. This knight had some special qualities, he was a self confessed philander. Philandry nothing special about that right?? But the astonishing part was, it was with men! And those also of his own army... NO No don't get wrong was his army, who was quite wild about him.., he no no... he liked to feign that he was a quite ladies man... But the nobles knew better.
Now this was a time when homesexuality wasn't a taboo.. but society was harsh.. society was cruel and society was terrible.. Though the nobles supported homesexuality to the full, but who can give up the chance of making mockery of an airhead knight? What were they blockheaded? So they did.. all in good intentions. They decided to personally knight this frightened knight ( of revealing his feelings) with the coveted title of "G square" which meant gay gentleman. This coveted title was later won by many other generals in this army. But the knight so outraged by this sudden and abrupt rise (read: nobles) calling him homo. He acted like quite a goosy. And ignored it all (which i must admit though dumb but very good sportingly). So while his applause dies down.. many other a genral rose to even higher heights.. And to talk about hipocrisy.. he too started making a mockery of this one patircular general.. who was clearly devoted to his excellency. When sad situations like these take place. The articulate nobles butted in and decided to show the knight his respectful place in society. Which they continue to do so. So they now all live happily ever after. ( except the knight who is still desperatly trying to get the females back)
The END!

Moral: Need I say more???


Blogger Radhika said...

no shubhi u definitely dnt need 2 say anything more!!
U no with this post u provd tht u can definitely mean stiff competition for th author of 'ooga marries her brother'!!

6:54 AM, November 18, 2005  
Blogger Akanksha said...

n the marriage tales of the indian bride too...lols

7:09 AM, November 18, 2005  
Blogger Akanksha said...

Actually on second thots, L'afair or perhaps la seduction...

12:41 AM, November 21, 2005  

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