Long time...
I’m sorry but I couldn’t help thinking about it…this sad irony of life.
I couldn’t help thinking about the fact that when the winter winds would be sweeping over the northern hemisphere and when very so conveniently people would be taking out their hot water bottles to stay in bed and enjoy their winter breaks, there would be another section of 15 (±1) year olds, who would be hopelessly sitting and mugging up even more hopeless chapters. I write not to stir your softer selves. I want no sympathies. But a prayer would do.
There was a time when winter vacations spelt fun and loads of coziness and comfort. It implied Christmas parties and tons of gifts. And it entailed shopping (frown). Yet, this year, it means no more than staring into some preposterously written books on Indian agriculture (for heaven’s sake!!). I’ve never known this feeling. I have not been, as yet, deprived of my rightful winter sleep so awfully. There are many things in life that money can’t buy. For everything else, there’s money. Sigh.
This season might not see much of me. This season, when this blog (in all high spirits(?)) completes it’s first year it won’t see much light. For we would have our pre-boards lined up and if God be so gracius (detect sarcasm), pre-pre-boards. And our priorities set (detect {aa}rushism). But well, who says there are people who don’t go through that phase. I have interesting things (detect sarcasm) to look forward to. One month of giving boards.
I know I would have probably said this like a million of times but just to reiterate how poor my intuition is, I never thought 2005-06 would ever come. Somehow, never crossed my mind that I would see this time. Anyways, that’s life. When you’re busy making other plans, it hits you. And I have no idea how that makes sense.