Thursday, October 15, 2009

May 2007- October 2009

May 2007. That was the last time anyone posted on this blog. Its been more than two years since the last time I wrote in this text box. More than two years, more than a dozen airplane trips, more than a couple expensive phone calls and more than a few life changing experiences for all of us.

I was 14 when we started this blog. Me and the four most important people in my life. At that point this was the highlight of our lives. I still remember the plans and the excitement of keeping a blog. This was our little world full of our little secrets. We were 5 naive yet vivacious young girls. 5 Best friends. We were the world to each other. I still remember spending the entire day in class and then coming back home and spending the entire day on the phone. Our after exam meet ups! Our going out for movies. (catwoman? locking that guy in the bathroom?) The camp! Eight grade! Me and Aarushi. The fights. Oh god the fights. Making a sweet little thing cry before her SSt pre-board. Poor radhika coming to our rescue. The stupid boys. A stupid boy. Our high and our lows, our mistakes and our periods of distance. But we always came back didn't we? For six years we were each others lives.

Its October 16 2009. We aren't 14 anymore. We are adults with lives. very busy and annoying and complicated and hectic lives. We're in college. In amazing colleges. With a seemingly bright future in front of us. And we've changed. I, for one have learnt to use punctuation and grammar while writing (I read some of my posts and they were appalling). Radhika has started wearing dresses. Akanksha is now a grown up. Aditi has broken out of her shell. Aarushi and me don't fight anymore. Lol.

Things have changed haven't they. I don't see you guys very often. I don't talk to you everyday. You have new friends. I have new friends. You guys have a different life. I have a different life. Everyone told us this would happen. That we'd move on. Which is true we have.

Yet something tells me things haven't changed completely. This last one week has been hard for me. Midterms (damn you college), exhaustion, the stupid flu and the stupid boys. I haven't been so frustrated in some time. And despite the distance you guys were there. Radhika spoke to me between her stupid schedule. I just had a 2 hour conversation with Akanksha. I swear after talking to you guys I felt sane, happier and like I was in eighth grade again.

I realized I didn't need to be close to you guys to have you with me. I could not talk to you for months and we will meet and things will be back to where they were. Addi, I know I hardly see you and that you're not near me but I swear every time I'm down I remember that look on your face of frustration telling me to relax. Aarushi I know I don't see you at ALL. But despite all the stupid stuff we did and our fights you were genuinely one of my closest friends and it meant a lot to me when you came for my birthday.

In short, I know despite the fact that we've moved on. We'll always be with each other. Thats because we're more than just friends, we're best friends.

I love you guys.
