Sunday, December 31, 2006

A happi happi new yr

hehe .. hey guys... heres wishing everyone an awesome new year full of giggles, hugs, whoopppees, bitching and being a meano..
heres hoping people this year become
1. more civilized
2. better huggers
3. nicer
4. non-smokers
5. peace-loving
amen to that.. anyways.. hope you had a great nite.. mine was pretty good.. went out fr dinnr with friends.. stayed in and watched the departed with my sister.. talking over hot chocolate fudge and breezers.. and wishd most of my frends happi new yr..
cant think of a bettr way to start my yr..
anyways.. hope this year is as good as the last.. its probably one of the most imp ones for us.. so best of luck with that..
tc... shiya... luv ya
ps. best of luck with the new yr resolutions... i learnt a long time ago the futility of keeping them

Sunday, December 24, 2006

merry christmass

~~~~~~~~~~MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!~~~~~~~~~~

merry christmas everyone~!!!!!!!!!! Have an awesome day!!!! HOHOHOHO!!!
eat, scream, sing and dance!!! Spread the christmas joy!!! And ofcourse we hope you get plenty of gifts!!!

2006 is ending.. 2007 approaches.. for almost all of us this is an extremely important year.. we all hope that like 2006 it also becomes an excellent year.. heres wishing everyone not only a merry christmas but a ROCKING new year!...... and if you've been good santa will surely get you what you want.. hahahhaha....

Lots of love...
from the santas helpers..


Sunday, December 10, 2006

Musings of an indisposed soul

  • Sickness is welcomed if it arrives at the right time, ie between 2 very important periods of your life and during a boring weekend, thus consequentially helping you miss a MT which you would have probably flunked.
  • Dravid is certainly made of Ambuja cement.
  • blue ties are definitely better looking than green ones. Even more so considering you are the elite 2% of your school wearing it.
  • There is a stark difference between a MUN hosted by your school and that by another. For instance in one hosted by another school, you can't go around hugging every person in your sight. Till the time arises that your hugs are reduced to bone crushing devices. And you also can't stand at the podium and scream "DPS RKP ROKS" and have the whole executive board, administration staff and even the teachers join you.
  • A Black skirt is idyllic formal dressing.
  • You know you are a part of the best school in history when you can bunk the whole day and still not get caught.
  • Wikipedia+Google=Savior of the worlds ass
  • Cute guys with curly hair and green eyes don't cross your path every day. If you see one latch on.
  • If you look good in a picture and the rest of the world doesn't, you don't give a damn about it. You are gonna put it up anyways.
  • The only thing that makes man u special is Cristiano Ronaldo.
  • The feeling of feeling hungry at 2 am before a MT that you are missing and then eating cheesy pizza to satisfy your hunger.. is priceless.
  • Randomness is the new world order

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Nature’s Embrace

Behold for the smile
That glistens across the azure sky
Behold for the sight,
It shimmers and passes by
Savor the memories
Precious in candescent glow
Hum to the tunes of the songs-
The mountains sing so oft
Reminisce the colors
Profusely canvassed by the wind
Remember the rocks, the trees-
They stand for an identity, a will
Feel the fall which
Led you to nature’s embrace
Be warned of betrayal and malice.