Monday, August 14, 2006

"How come every time you around, my London London Bridge wanna fall down"
For all those people who think I've lost it, i was just quoting this amazing song "London Bridge" by Fergie, its quite cool, with amazing lyrics. LOl (eyebrows raised). Now to start off with this is probably like my 3rd attempt to blog, the last 2 were in vain ( i was distracted my some elements). Yes moving on.. life has been pretty fast paced for me. I had a pathetic physics test which had no right to be that pathetic, considering i knew everything. Then we also had alot of stuff goin on wid Future cities... and the youth parliament. Even the 5 day long break has been pretty hectic. Hopefully things will clear up now... (hopefully that is) My birthday too is approaching. I have serious doubts about it though. I am expecting nothing, since i have a sneaky suspicion it will suck (on account of the chemistry test). For all the people who plan to come on my birthday sleepover, its been postponed to next friday. Hopefully it won't be too much of an inconvenience.
Now coming to happier topics, music is the only thing which makes me smile these days. Be it good charlotte, All american rejects or even John Mayer. By the way guys you have to listen to "promiscous girl" Its fantastic... hehe... and also "i write sins not tragedies" its cute 2 it has a line "Hasn't any1 herd of closing the damn door knob" hehe...
Anyways I'll be taking off, chemistry waits for no man.. (or in my case woman)

ps. Mun results come out on my birthday too, isn't that just perfect. Ugh