Saturday, August 05, 2006

10 places I want to visit...

The other day I found an article in some magazine, about a woman who at the age of 16, made a list 10 places she wants to visit before she dies. Now considering very soon I will be turning 16, I decided to make one of my own. These are the places I definitely want to go. Some of them are predictable, some are not. Hopefully before I die, I would have visited these places.

1.Egypt- The Pyramids and the mummies. At the Louvre I saw some mummies and they were the most eerie things I have ever seen. Still it would be awesome to see more.
2. Amsterdam- I was 8 when I read Anne Frank, since then I've always desperately wanted to go to Amsterdam and see the Annexe.
3. Andaman and Nicobar Islands- Well the Beaches of course! I've been to many but never really spent time there. I've yet to swim in the sea. Sad I know.
4. South Africa- Firstly for the wildlife and the beaches again. Not like I can't find it in India. But I still think it will be a completely different experience.
5. Bahrain- For the Grand Prix ofcourse. Its the nearest place from India where the Grand Prix is held. Also a race in the middle of the desert would be a spectacle to watch.
6. Rome- For the Spanish steps, Italian guys and cheese pasta. And maybe to say hi to the pope (in the Vatican ofcourse)
7. New York- To shop and eat hot dogs lol.
8. Lords- to see a cricket match ofcourse. I don't really like England. Its too gloomy. But this ofcourse is the mother of all cricket grounds.
9. Russia- I'm a huge history buff. And Russian History has always been one of my favorites. I'd love to go and research.
10. South of France- I've been to France. But we didn't really have a lot of time. I want to spend more time there.


Blogger Suparna said...

hmm cant beleive u didnt write new south wales so that u cud accidently bump into brett lee

5:12 AM, August 12, 2006  

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