Saturday, July 01, 2006

Why is it when i returned gleefuly back expecting to be greeted by thunderstorm and brilliant weather, all i got was humidity and well the summer loo. And don't you dare say it was because of me. It doesn't feel like i have been away for a month.. its really weird... It's like i cant imagine life there.. even though three days ago i was living it. Wierd.
Another revelation the advancement of technology is directly proportional to the complications it causes. Then again I'm sure everyone knew that already. After squeeling a laptop outta the father.. he promptly decided it was time to enter the new age.. that is " Go Wireless." Hence came 2 engineers to try their luck at fixing the damn router. fast forward 4 hours, i sit on my bed doing sudoku.. while the man from airtel tries 10 different positions for the router... almost tangled between the wires.. he seems quite fed up... i sweetly look up n ask him "is it working??" he looks almost scared when i ask him that.. n then with what looks like false determination he answers... "It will work.. I know it will" I wonder who he tries to reassure me or himself... But heavens it did start working.. a very pleased engineer took my signatures on the complaint slip.. and looked quite relieved to walk out from this dangerous.. wireless obstacle creating house... But so was I, pleased I mean, I waited eagerly for my dad to come so i could show off the new system. I guess i wished too soon. Coz as soon as he looked at the system he discovered a whole lotta bugs.. and he took out the whole thing again... mumbling"these engineers tday have no idea about technology" well thats where i came in!


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