Thursday, October 19, 2006

You know how there's always this one book everyone keeps talking about. You obviously haven't read it. And you just don't understand all the hype about it. UNTIL......................You read it yourself.

That's exactly what happened to me. Wherever I went, whoever I met everyone just talked about this one book. Most of the time I was scared to admit I hadn't read it (Actually I still can't believe I have the gutts to make it public). Well in the beginning I couldn't help it. I always thought it was like an over-hyped book or something. Like the time I read the god of small things and was thoroughly disappointed. So I stayed off it. Then one day when I was browsing the bookstore I found it thinking what the hell. I bought it.

And I'm happy to inform you I never looked back.

I think you should have guessed which book I'm talking about by now. The big one. The HUGE one.

What I loved about the book, is the utter believability. Unlike most of the Mafia movies and books. This book is completely believable. And his characters though totally enigmatic seem human and possible. The book is basically about The godfather or Don Vito Corleone. A silican Mafia head, he's the good honest maybe a lil wacko powerhouse of new York. Never before has someone been called god and a criminal in the same breath.

quoting page 213, book III, Chapter 14

"But great men are not born great, they grow great and so it was with Vito Corleone..............It did not happen in a day, it did not happen in year, but by the start of the great depression, Vito Corleone became the Godfather, the Don, Don Corleone."

Completely in love with these lines. Mario Puzo has done the most brilliant job with this book. All his books have an amazing mix of reality with fiction but this one is mind-blowing. He's created one of those books which will live forever. Unlike a Da Vinci code or Harry Potter which you eventually get bored of. This is timeless. And most of it is completely logic. As Tom Hanks said in 'You've got Mail', most of our everyday problems can be solved from this book. It has logic you can't argue with. And most importantly it has a spell-binding narrative which won't let you put the book down. Everything from relationships to hard core business is tackled here. And it practically forbids you to make your own judgements. Obviously it is violent and graphics not suitable for all ages (ahem ahem) but then this isn't something written by Musharraf that every word has to be scrutinized for moral values. And also very unlike Musharrafs book/novel you sometimes cant believe its not real life.

Enjoy it one step at a time. And if you think its good the first time you read it. You wont believe how good it is the next time. And for all those people still living in the dark who haven't read it yet. (clears throat) "Let there be light!"

OH GOD.... will you just go get the damn book. LOL

shubhs who kneels down in prayer for the soul of the don


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love that bloody book.
Its the most amazing book ever to have been written

10:03 AM, October 19, 2006  
Blogger Tejas said...

I really liked Apollonia.
Pity she died.

11:32 AM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

always thought solloza has got to be hot

2:03 PM, October 20, 2006  
Blogger Aarushi said...

its 1 of my fav books. ever.i know how u feel. just finished catcher in the rye, it was lousy. i hate bad grammar

9:57 AM, October 21, 2006  
Blogger Aarushi said...

tejas, read ur profile.luv all books on ur list.even ogden nash!!!
is he funny or is he funny????????

10:20 AM, October 21, 2006  
Blogger Shubhi said...

no words to say..

11:23 AM, October 21, 2006  
Blogger Tejas said...

yeah i know Ogden nash is funny.
Though, I liked Catcher in the Rye too. Especially the part where the "goddam lousy" grammar comes in.

8:18 AM, October 26, 2006  

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