Okay starting off, heres a kiss to all my girls (including the guys... Specially rt n kb muah to u dudes) who made my 16nth birthday so memorable. Love you all!! "Ipsi's bear hug!!" I thought it was going to be a disaster. But it couldn't have been more perfect. Everything worked out (And I received some cool gifts)
Moving on no

Anyways The Future Cities training was great. We giggled and laughed the whole time. We blame it on the Kinley water, which we are sure was spiked. We also annoyed a lot of people there, with Hindi-Chini bhai bhai, lol. It was quite cool. The food was pretty good too, which was the main point. Then we formed those human trains and made fools of ourselves. Radhika also tripped over the projector on the way to our picture taking thing. That was funny too. Lol. She's really clumsy. Though I think we are going to probably kick everyone's ass. LOL
And further update on my back, its become a lot better. I no longer have to hold it when I'm coughing, like an old grandma. And heres a "Bengay Zindabad" It actually helped me in the end. Lol. Maybe now I can go back to golf and tennis. Yippee.
And now before I leave I make a serious request to all of you. My name is Shubhi, spelled "S-H-U-B-H-I" its not Shubhadra, Shubhleena, Shubhlums or any of those stupid names you call me. If you could kindly call me by my name, it would be appreciated. Thank you
PS. Thanks to all those people who messaged me at 12. And all those people who I didn't message back. Sorry I had no idea who you were... Seriously they were unidentified numbers..
PPS. the pic has me, knshu, ipsi and isha sitting on the floor (im lookin quite stupid grinning away, how was I 2 no every1 else was gonna hv funeral like expressions??)
Dear munchkin (sorry just cudn't resist)
well well Any Day. Dont worry we both know we are amazing. Ofcourse the day had to be good. I called!
Hopefully you'll move your ass someday and call back! That of course if you still have my number and haven't lost it.
And how many sports do you exactly play.. or actually what sport do you not play! Seiously girl start studying!
ps. Kb says he wants your friends numbers
first of all whos kb?
n 2nd v need to giv shubhsy birthday 'bobs'!! lmao!
i would like to add sumi(courtest ravjot!!)to the list of shubhi darling's alternative names!
Kb.. is kabir darling....
hes damn cute... haha... cuter than rohit ne day..
n sups... i hate u!!! n i hate ravjot 2!!
n rt i hvnt lost ure no.. k .. hmph.. its sm where in my room.. i just cant find it... n i study neday more than u..
I know u actually wanted to thank me for the (almost) 16 gifts (idea...lol). It's ok. I dont mind a seperate post for tht..hehe.
Now now I'm barging into ur house on Friday n not leaving before Sat.
yes yes akanksha thank u!
nd aayush.. bluh!
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