Sunday, October 08, 2006

The controversial delegate of USA

Before I start my discription of Inmun I'd like to say DPSMUN ROCKS!!!!! Its a personal statement I don't know if everyone feels that (most people in my committee did though). But I believe DPSMUN kicks Inmun's ass anyday... Moving on ... lol

We did get BEST DELEGATION... Or in better words We were the NO 1 DELEGATION! Owing to the fact every single delegate from our school were their committees top 3 contenders for best delegate.. But of course due to politics and a whole lot of shit (will mention later) we only got 2 best delegates. Here's a MUAH and whoopee to Anku dearest and Aanya.. Keep rocking guys..

Now starting

The Controversial delegation of USA

Yup it was controversies all along.... In every bloody committee! The crisis fell on USA too..
Starting with my committee: Humanitarian, social and cultural committee. The first day was quite boring.
The topic was totally ridiculous "the use of geosciences to make earth a healthier wealthier safer planet" Even my chair later admitted that it was a useless topic. How can you debate on it??
Anyways wasn't put on the speakers list.. Spoke a couple of times in a moderated caucus. The moderated caucus too was extremely boring. There was no debate just some rubbish going on. But the Resolution part was exciting. Me, Japan, Paraguay,Russia and France totally ran the show. We made a resolution together. Crazily went around collecting people. Everything was going along perfect. We had about 60 co sponsors. That is we already had majority of the house. But ofcourse controversy and conspiracies never leave me. Just before we were going to give in our resolution me Japan and Paraguay had a major fight about the main sponsor. In the End I became the main sponsor much to the fury of Paraguay. Who immediately threatened to leave. But Russia and Japan supported me so I remained the main sponsor but on our next agenda Paraguay left our camp. A fact that really didn't bother me.

Now comes the exciting part. The second agenda! This was when I became really famous or may I say infamous? I already knew I was going to be in trouble since our topic was "biotechnology" a field in which the US is the big bad wolf. And boy was I right. My speech went off well. But then came the moderated caucus. And all hell broke loose. Suddenly every delegate in the committee started attacking me. US did this US did that.. What does the delegate have to say what does the delegate have to comment.. I was able to handle the first few questions pretty well. Actually I think I had an answer to everything.. I did mess up a bit though. But my chair suddenly tells me "delegate what's the reason for your double standards?" I was totally furious. I wrote her a chit immediately and my vice chair and co vice chair took me out.. He basically told me I had been acting very conceited. To which I replied after all I was USA.. and they were jumping on me like a pack of wolves! After that he said it was alright and I could go back. So that ended the first day. Not the best in my mind.

The second day was alotttt better. Me having the upper hand through most of it. My resolution got passed! yippee. Then caucuses were boring.. The third agenda was kind of boring too.. passed a couple of comments etc. But then came the moderated caucus, and the certain delegate of Paraguay again tried but this time I got up and shut her and France up immediately. Even the executive board supported me.. (which was fun btw) Then came the crisis which was amazing, ofcourse it was on US. Something about China invading some islands US attacking the Chinese troops Japan helping out. Boy did me and Japan dominate. We accepted no criticism.. And the way we attacked the Chinese delegate.. Poor guy later wrote me a sorry letter....

the third day was soo boring.. Full of chaos. This is why I said DPSMUN is better.. someone lost our resolution papers. Then the plenary wasn't following the proper MUN rules. We kept waiting for some guest speaker who never arrived. We did practically nothing. The Deputy sec gen who was and I am not afraid to say this a complete ASS. Because of his own stupidity (since they were running out of time) and tension he kicked me and Swati out of the Assembly. We both were so infuriated coz we weren't even talking. We immediately went and started screaming at him. He apologized repeatedly.. But we stalked off. (which again was fun).. ass complete ass.

As the award ceremony approached each one of us (from the US delegation) was assured to be one the top three contenders for best delegate in their committees by their executive board. I had a lengthy discussion with my vice chair and co vice chair. (who btw were totally rocking) Both of them assured me.. I was one of the strongest contenders, along with Japan. Japan and USA were the clear favorites for best delegates and delegation in almost all committees. So when we only got best delegation and just 2 best delegate awards, (Japan getting nothing) you can imagine how shocked we all were.

It included Vipuls name being crossed out by Madam Pinto herself. Mine Swati, Sanjana and Hemantika not getting it coz we got best delegation. In my committee the weirdest people got it. Who I've never heard speaking for more than 10 minutes. It was pathetic. Truly Pathetic. Our executive boards were extremely sweet about it though. Some of mine came and found me, kept telling me it was shocking.

What really annoyed me, was that CHINA got best delegation. The same china whose delegates we practically crushed.. Whose delegate wrote me a sorry letter. If that was the state then why did they get it someone might ask. Because sweetie China was represented by Ryan Faridabad. The host school. The guy didn't even know how to speak properly.

Okay this has been a very looong post. So I'm going to end now. Just want to say something.. I think DPS Noida (Japan) totally should have won. They so deserved the best delegation. They were just amazing. And if my vice chair or co vice chair or my chair is reading this You guys were amazing!!! Please keep in touch. especially the co vice-chair ,thanks for all the advice (we really did annoy you)... And again to my fellow delegation.. Love you all.. Had an amazing time.. We all were excellent.. surely the best delegation there. Everyone knew we were going to win. And we did. So MUAH! (we btw were also told that we were perfect american politicians.. i was called an obnoxious and concieted american citizen which i think is another way of saying a complete american bitch)

Blabbered by an infuriated and hyper
aka the controversial delegate of USA


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congrats girl. good job. its alright you can always win next time.. delegation is what is important. how were people from my school?
and about you being a conceited bitch i could have told you that myself!
Anyways best of luck for your exams!

12:09 AM, October 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats Inmun?

7:12 AM, October 10, 2006  
Blogger udit said...

complete american bitch.. perfect!!
and well ryan ryan bias bias or oops i mean biass biass..
u got chuked out of the committee? lol
MUNs are alwys fuun yaar, nd obv DPSMUN is bttr! ;)
rock on!

11:20 PM, October 10, 2006  
Blogger Manas said...

"Blabbered by an infuriated and hyper

"babbled by avani with barely contained hyperactivenes"

thief. have the brains to come up with ur own stuff.

1:21 AM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Shubhi said...

yup alot better actually.....
but the efficiency here was amazing....
3 agendas 2 days plus crisis..... pretty rockin

btw manas it was jst a closing statement.... boohoo... you seriously need to get a life dude......

1:55 AM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Manas said...

aka thing stolen from me
you are a no good rotten thief.
its time you come up with your own stuff.
crappiest blog on earth.

9:57 AM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Manas said...

spot the ugliest ppl of the world. oh thats right they all are

10:00 AM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Shubhi said...

wat part of get a life did you not understand!!!!!
and considering this is such a crappy blog... you seem to like it so much that you visit us everyday!!

1:35 AM, October 14, 2006  
Blogger Parth said...

Can you like, all stop going to each other's blogs and venting an 'I-don't-know-how-many-years-old' hatred? I've been a silent spectator but I can't take it anymore! Stop!

9:51 AM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger Tejas said...

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9:40 AM, October 18, 2006  
Blogger Tejas said...

Interesting fight.
Carry on guys.
And I liked Freakonomics. I find it really fascinating that tramps have better headphones than I do. Really it is a highly intellectually stimulating read.

10:25 AM, October 18, 2006  
Blogger Shubhi said...

well to each his own...
i guess
i just think it was crap....
btw why wud u care if tramps hv bettr hedfones?

12:09 AM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babes..
nvr knw u ryts oo well!!!
all said n dun already...we r d best!!!!always..
just to quote d SC chair
"The best thing abt inmun this yr was the delegation from the united states....the way each delegate put up stellar perfrmnces in each council was too good....i myself saw delgates frm 1,2,3 and sc and believe me they were better than i ever could have been in my opening model uns....never saw hrc and ecosoc delegates..."

we rock!!!
luv ya alll...

5:27 AM, November 22, 2006  

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