Monday, April 04, 2005

"the ones in the dark"

"Yeah homosexuals are abnormal! Ofcourse they are i agree wholeheartedly. As abnormal as a person who writes with a left hand" Before you start wondering how i became such a good writer, i would like to point out that this quote isnt mine. This was the opening sentence of a twelthy in my school who made a project on Homesexuals. By the way he isnt homosexual.
One of the most surprising observing today, is many people who support homosexuality are straight. And many of these people are young adults. Todays kids are far more liberal and broadminded in their thinking. Far ahead of the last generation. Todays generation (exceptions discluded) really doesnt care if the person next to him is attracted to girls or guys. They are far too busy.
Some wish that this attitude be adopted by all. But thats far fetched. anyways back to the main topic. Who are homosexuals? They are NOT abnormal. they are just NORMAL people who like people of the same gender as them. Now how hard is it to digest that? For centuries homesexuality has been considered a sin. By religon, by people even by the Ultimate "I shall give you freedom of choice" governemnt. Seriously i don't know why. Every person has the freedom of choosing who he/she wants be involved with. How the hell can the government suddenly have thee right to choose which gender? We talk about many evils n protests against homesexuality is one of them. For, fettered by a draconian 140-year-old law - Section 377 of the IPC —sexual minorities in India, including homosexuals, bisexuals and trans-gender individuals, are actually living a nightmare. that sucks. Period.
We are building a welfare state . Which includes protecting the minorities. And homosexuals are included. Hey im not being unrealistic here. i don't expect the government to leave everything and start working for their development. But changing a law can't take that much tme can it?
It is high time some thing must happen to change the situation. You must remember that no one is homosexual by choice. That person is born with it. It's not wrong its not a sin and its definetly not something someone has to be ashamed of. Its normal. I am not calling out this brigade coz im homosexual. I am not. This is more a call out for human rights. They are exploited and discriminated. Its time this ends. and people realize. That a person ahs the freedom to do watever he wnts to. and get into any kind of relationship he likes. And no one has the right to dictate terms to anyone and not let him live his life the way he wants too.


Blogger ThinkingWanderer said...

hey glad u posted abt if u wudnt hv..i wud hv..i so agreee wid u..i think they're ABSOLUTELY AS NORMAL AS A STRAIGHT prsn...
i gtg nw...else i wud b writing a comment longer than ur post! u for bringing this up...
:D take care...& stick up for human rights always!!!

5:22 AM, April 04, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am truly impressed by this post!

It is really is stupid the way people think that homosexuality is a mental disease or perversion.

And what is even more funny is the way they are portrayed in the media.

The homosexual is the pansy effiminate character while the lesbian is the sultry seductive siren.

I truly hope that someday people will learn to accept these people.

And i also hope that we wont have to clarify our sexual orientation each time we write or speak for the rights of the gay community.

Once again great post!

11:15 PM, April 04, 2005  

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