Sunday, November 12, 2006

to all my people

One of these days i was sitting in the bus and counting how much time we have left in school. hardly a year. Its just depressing. School years are the carefree, full of masti years, Where you get to do whatever you want with no regrets. Just the idea of not seeing my friends everyday gives me goosebumps. I mean all those between classes meeting, backseat eating, break walks. How the hell am i going to leave this wretched school. (failing is not an option!).. I mean its pretty known that after a couple of years no one stays in contact with each other. (though i hope we make exceptions to that rule)..College seems so bloody hard. So much bloody work. Its true no one likes change. Even positive change takes time getting used to. Anyways i wanted to say some thank yous and some muahs to certain ppl.. ( all this talk made me senti)

Ipsi: My pardner in crime. I have no bloody idea what i'll do without her. I met her only 2 years ago. But i think I've known her for my whole life. Shes my bitching partner and my gossip girl... Lol.. people just don't understand why we are both alllways together.. shes been there thru it all.. the sidesplitting laughter in the library to the cold mornings of stupid parental fites. one of the most understanding people..though she keeps u on ure toes.. constantly worried bout her... Love you girl and thanks for all the stupidity you've had to handle.. ull always be one my bestest frends!!

Knshu: Hehe my lil devil.. the first person when i get back from school lol.. shes the sensible head who tends to panic at every bloody thing. haha.. she keeps me sane... i can hide nothing from her.. everything just comes toppling out... anything i say bout her will be less.. she is one person i no who is more happy bout my success then even i am... i love her soo much... and no for one thing i can try to get rid of her.. but she will never get rid of me! ure ma star!

addi: my oldest best frend... this girll is the nicest person i no.. shes handles the most crap i think... me n my hyper self.. witha ll the screaming and banshee craziness.. shes taken it in widout a complaint.... lol... shes really quiet from the outside but for thsoe who know her.. no its all crap... shes one of the funnest people t be with..and there for u whenevr u need her.. can talk to her bout nethin,... n everythin.. shes my rock my stone ... hehe love u babes... u mah gall... thnx for everythin... for bein there for me..loove uuu

Rads: raddy piee.. clank clank.... my crazy ditsy best friend.. and might i add confused.. shes the smart one.. she has a phd in guy advice.. lol.. she keeps me sane.. we've had so much frm clank-clank hindi-chini bhai bhai.. to crank calls n coffee.. (bluddy coffee virgin).. im going to be her bridesmaid when she gets marries at 18 lol... i love this girl.. she has this awesome understanding power.. nos exactly howto get things out of u.. n is an awesome listener... thanx girl for everythin... for tellin me da truth when i cudnt hear it for bein there always... muaah to the coolest frend ever

Isha: my baby.. known her since 2nd grade.. one of the sweetest n nicest ppl i no.. hyper a complete "goondi" but shes one of the finnest people to be with.. she has this amazin quality about her... no1 can ever feel awkward around her.. she just has this thing to fir rite in anywhere.. n make sure no1 feels outta place.. ni no loads of people r thankful to her for that... n i love her for that too.... Muah girlll

Karishma: omg what would i do without her.. shes my saviour.. without her 11nth would be drab for mee.. she sthe most understanding person ive evr met... u can say nethin in front of her.. n she'll take it in.. she has to handle me everyday in skool.. n tht my frends is an achievement.. i seriously cant imagine 11nth without her.. her reassuring talks are like a calming influence for the hyper me. i love u gurll... keep rokkin!!

Rushi: aah ruushhhiii... my fitin partner.. we fite like cats n dogs.. lol.. shes one of the smartest people i noo.. if rushi gives u a compliment relish it n enjoi it... coz its gotta be truee!!! lol jokes aside.. shes pretty sweet.. and loves reading like me.. her vocabulary rocks.. this gurl is so bloody hard wrkin she can give ne1 else an inferiority complex... once u no her u can hate or love her bvut u just cant ignore her.. me? love her.. hehe... muaah girll.

Saraswati: finally reached him. Whatever i say bout him will be less. Hes been my bestfriend since god nos when.. hes kept me sane when i've gone insane.. made me smile when i thought i couldn't. Hes someone who has been there when i dint even no.. not 2 mention the onli person whose seen me cri.. i love u boi... n im sorry for puttin u thru all da crap... u're my guy! n u better stay tht way!!!

Rt: the ass!! hes the stupidest dumbest guy i've ever met and for that i love him... hes an amaazin frend...whose stuck by me through thick n thin... from pink pyjamas.. to 1o clock "meri beri ke ber" hes taken all da crap ive flung at him.. hes got a huuuggee eeggooo.. i feel sad for ne girl who has to go out wid him.. but hes the coolest buddy ne girl cn have.... love u boi!! thanks for the pep talks n the midnite laughter... i got yr bak

Avu: my googlie goo... god ive known her since i was 2 yrs old thats like 14 years now...!! she is definetly one of the most awesome friends ne1 can ever have... from pizza hut lunches.. to ccd all the science classes and the jhoolas... ive had the most amazing times with her... shes like one of the sweetest people i know...with the bhootni hair and the crazy antics who can laugh like crazy.. shes also my coffee pal.. and my bitching pardner... shes my guy advice giver and my hindi correcter.. wat would i do without her.. i have no idea.. love u girl...

Sups: our chengozi leader... shes the most rockin senior.. .shes the smart silly stupid n funny 1... her jokes r frkin funny.. can make u laff for all u hv.... and she has one of the most sensible heads on her shoulders.. first impression: silly nataunki late realization: damn shes smart! hehe.. but shes one of the nicest and sweetest people i know.. my fellow hayden christensan, belgian choco, jhoola swinging and friends loving buddy.. loove u girll and miss u 2!!! thanks for everythin n for bein ure usual goofy self!!!

Mini: miniss.. the diplomat.. the serious n smart child lol... i have to give her a hand for all the crap she jhelofayes from me. thru inmun n all... i have no idea how she duz the thinbgs she duz.. sometimes i think she needs to relax for a bit.. but oh well she remains one of the nicest people i no.. n very understanding i no i can realli count on her.... lol... i luv her for that... muaaah... n plz loooseeen up a bitt.. n improve yr gk! hehe...

there r so many ppl i wanted to rite bout... sidhi, suhu, bodhu tree, aayush darlin, naina, anku, archa n more unfortuantly dont have time.. just wanted to say.. i love u guys alot too... tho i dont say it much.. n whenevr im bein a bitch dont mind.. coz i dont mean to.. just tend to from time to time... whenevr u need me just hollerr.... MUAHH

Love shubhs


Blogger Unknown said...

heyyy... thanku soo much for that n i luv u too.. muah! muah!

10:00 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger ThinkingWanderer said...

awwwllleeyy shubhlums...
i loveeee u!:)...ur my chaddi buddy..hehe..and i hope we stay frnds YOU r a terrific person..n WE r a great team;):D..
love u..muah!

10:07 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Akanksha said...

k nthn there tht i dnt!!

firstly, ure not getting a thank you cause bloody hell we both suffer each other

secondly, i dont need to say this but u better never leave my side cause nothing can ever prepare me for tht

love u loads

10:14 AM, November 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay can't believe I'm writing this after you called me an ass. LOL
anyways thanks a bunch girl
love u too.. ure not a bad friend either... keep smiling and dont change for any freaks.!

10:23 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Aayush Kumar said...

"when you rite about ppl...they tend to comment" so here i am...commenting ... fortunate to be in this list of frndz(though somehow i couldn miss noticin that i had to scroll all the way down the list to see my name :( but then 'thnx' a plenty.

ne wayz...on a more serious note... i would always miss a frnd a like prsn with whom you can have the whackiest conversations. a candidate for 'guru of goofiness'..but her expertise as being a host and invitations are a clear winner.

till then shublums...shubhu...(and now chaddi buddy)
--signing off--

10:26 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Akanksha said...

ahem ahem

10:30 AM, November 12, 2006  
Blogger Aditii said...

ure the most awesome friend and luv u 2!!

3:18 AM, November 13, 2006  
Blogger Suparna said...

*suppi offers shubloo nice ice cream for nice comments* :D

6:09 AM, November 13, 2006  
Blogger Aayush Kumar said...

some1 got a bad cough???

2:29 AM, November 17, 2006  
Blogger Akanksha said...

bah to u!!

9:22 AM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Radhika said...

l]ove u too baby! muahh

11:31 AM, November 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

nothing i didn't know.
love you to. And in rads words. muah

2:23 AM, November 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey shubha doll...
u rok!! thnc a lot fr da apt desc i must say...
but wat was da diplomat fr...???:S
nyways...luv yaa!!

10:20 AM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

4:22 AM, November 28, 2006  

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