Clash of the titans
Marat Safin will definetly win!!!!!

The day of reckoning has arrived yet. Today we prepare for the big clash. Safin vs hewitt. And I am all for Safin.. when the federer match was goin on i supported federer completely and when the roddick match was goin on i supported roddick. But between Safin and Hewitt I am all for Safin....Why some may ask, is it because Hewitt is a big old toad or because Safin is compltely hot. Or maybe because Hewitt is australian (i think they r wierd) or coz Safin is an amzin player........I think all these reasons... Till now the Aussi open has been fantastic with remarkable feats.....and heaps of excitement. In the womens final i thought it was kinda borin...i mean davenport vs serena it was blatantly obvious who was gnna win.. though i like davenport ovr serena.....This whole Sania hype is kinda gettin on my nerves.....shes a gud player but is kinda blown ovr proportin by da media....Neways....the final is at 2 pm indian standard time..n im sure all of us will be watchin
signin off Shubhi
ps. Ill be back tomm wid all da highlights of the match
hurray!!!safin won!!!cheers!!!celebration time.i luved the match n for a change it wasn't very tensed.i luved safin. though, he was loose initially but then he came over hewitt or shuld i say jumped on him!!
i m back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well,i finally got over the decision of never visiting and commenting on this dumb blog.(no offense)All the entries(except aarushi's)are dumb crap especially shubhi's.the only entries i look forward to are aarushi's.
well now to come to the sania mirza part,i think its a big relief to see some sportstar other than a cricketplayer making the headlines.i mean i m sick n tired of seeing geeky n specky sourav ganguly(he's supposed to be the captain.........yeah right!!!!!!!!)n that moronish looking irfan pathan(i still havent discovered why all these dumb girls fall for him when u have hunks like danielle radcliffe n brad pitt existing.i mean have u seen his sick n oily hair.)but ppl like shubhi just dont understand.wat with those wierd dog pictures.i mean give us a break.i hope u ppl give my comment a thought and start writing non-boring stuff.
till my next comment,
.......(do u really think i d fall for this)
p.s.:shubhi plz do somethin about ur spellings.
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