Wednesday, January 26, 2005


There is a lot missing from each one’s life but definitely, it’s not impossible to live without all those things. Just the measure, at different periods of time, is probably different. ‘It’ might be materialistic to some and non-materialistic to others. What we fail to realize is that, all those people better off than us don’t have what we would never ever, in return of anything, would let go of. What truly fits in our life is the saying, ‘to gain something, one has to loose something.’
We all know, yet try to pretend we don’t, that nobody’s life is immaculate and we just can’t get the best of everything or rather cannot live parts of peoples’ lives.
However, this doesn’t mean that we should let go of our conviction which a lot of people lack (and I definitely do, alright maybe do) or even, for that matter stop working towards our desire of achieving the best in all spheres. What it means is that, if we do not achieve it, we should not give up faith, which in my short dictionary is the most powerful thing.

Whenever I think of the tsunami hit areas and the affected people, I kind of drain out and don’t ask me what I mean by that. What would they do with their lives? Will they ever be able to get over this? Will they ever be able to restore their faith in nature? Will they emerge out as victims or survivors? These and many more questions seem to haunt me at the moment. We all are donating something on the other for them but I wish I could do more. The money might be mine but I’m not earning it and therefore it’s easy for me to ask my parents for it and feel better. But, how do I make a difference by donating the money? I don’t see what the govt. is doing to speed up the process of recovery. I, however, can only pray and put all my faith, which most of us are doing, into the incompetent or let’s see, since we’re trusting it so for a change I would like to have a positive outlook and say competent govt. of the ‘great’ India without any foreign aid (of which I’m going to talk).

My initial reaction to India refusing foreign aid was of anguish and anger. I had started to wonder why ‘India wants to show to the world, its greatness at the cost of the health, emotions and lives of its people.’ But that was of course, because of lack of knowledge, behind this move, which now has come in.
India is capable of handling its own disasters, and competently (yes!! positive outlook) so. For those thinking India’s disaster management mechanism to be ineffective and sluggish (maybe u’re right but that’s not the ideal outlook), the foreign secretary, at a press briefing, made it quite clear that India has been prepared, right from the beginning to recover from such disaster and at the same time, help its neighbors as well. Though, we’ll have to wait n see for the depth in this statement.
India's aggressive tsunami diplomacy has puzzled major world capitals, but so be it. Now is the right time for India to develop its stand and take a step closer towards a permanent seat in the Security Council.
Is that the main aim, however?
Am I not one confuse human???
But what hell??!!
Signing off…
Ps. I’m curious for the result of Maria Shaporva and Venus Williams match.
Pss. Shubhi, would u pls stop publicizing anti- Irfan websites and stop posting dog’s pictures.


Blogger Shubhi said...

im not publicizing anythin...........i jst thot it was funny....n wwat dog pics i only put like 3 or 4

10:34 PM, January 29, 2005  

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