brett lee

hey evry1 .....
this is my fav picture of Brett Lee.......he look so good!! I think hes the best player in tht damn aussi team

neways im sure every1` saw da match...n im sure every1 is happy 2 see safin win... (can i say i told u so?) wid leyton hewitt cmin up wid proposin his gf was kinda dumb tho....i mean its like only a cuple of months after he broke up cljisters.....n now this...neways who cares....the safin match was amazin not beta then da federe-safin match which was a thriller but almost as gud....
the first set when hewitt won(6-1)...every1 thot tht safin wud lose but he put up a gutsy perfomance to take the 2nd set 6-3... but i thot da best set ws the third one...when he was trailing by 3 games (hewitt was 3-0 up) n he went on 2 win the set wid straight games 6-4... the last one was kinda predicatble 6-4 and the way hewitt gave him da last point kinda made me think he knew tht safin was gonna was a point i cud win 2!
many people must be wonderin y i dint go 2 skool.....i had an extremely bad cold n was runnin fever.....tho i thot ill cm 2 skool.....but in da morn i had major body i was like i can miss 1 day............neways im so happy 2 welcome anoynmous back we r waiting 4 yr opinions with much enthusiasm....we entertain stupid peoples comments with great enthusiasm...i mean every1 is entitled to be stupid eventhough anoynmous does abuse the i was sayin
Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view - now get the hell out of here!
signin off SHubhi
PS. I like the way 'i spell" so.........ur problem is not instead of whinin bout wid it :)
P.PS anoynmous dunt think im harsh....i mean i dunt think ure stupid...but then again wats my opinion against hundreds?
Who is brett lee?? Hes looks hot. Is he soccer star or something? By the way I like your blog
i like yur blog alot.
i apologise fr da DUMB stuff i had said bfr.
i do like brett lee.
yur blog is real fun
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