Friday, May 13, 2005

Some random stuff

Cars, like women, look better with accessories.
I almost gasped out loud on reading this. I came across an article in the economic time titled ‘Who looks better-your wife or your car?’ huh?
Like they are to be compared!
My first reaction had fits of laughter and then I decided to ignore this article, which I presume is written by yet another male chauvinist. However, I chose to write on this perhaps, because I don’t have anything better to do and I am 200% vela.

That article aside. Today we got white badges with our names, class and section written in bold. Now, I ask why do my school think us, dipsites, to be capable of forgetting our names? What’s the whole purpose of it when they are getting us our ID cards made?
The only thing I can think of is the fact that our school authorities are more or less leaches extracting every single penny they can.
And what’s with the yoga classes? Like they don’t know that we, the dipsites have solemnly resolved to not take anything of this sort seriously!

Now, today is certainly not the best day of my life. With my severe stomach ache and then the stuff in the newspapers declaring Friday the 13th to be the unluckiest for people with 13-letters name. No prizes for guessing that my name sums up to 13 letters.
Like it wasn’t enough with my mom and dad touring at the same time. And also the fact that barring the board classes, school closes for vacations, which means one more week of school in this, scorching summer heat.

Now even the thought of the summer vacations is not very pleasant. Why, you ask? Well, there is just so much work lined up. From making a project on UN in writing to completing maths and science syllabus to prepare for the upcoming assessment exams in July that is right after the school reopens. There is just too much work.
Besides, I need to read so many books I’ve lined up for myself. And with spending a day at Aditii’s house and perhaps, one at Shraddha’s place, I’ll hardly have time to breathe. Remember the fact-there is no 2 months vacation this time; it’s reduced to a tiny-miny 1 month 13 days.
Vacations also spell long hours sleep and entertainment in every possible form. But who has the time? At least, I don’t or for now, it doesn’t look like.

For a fact I know, it’s time to kill those people who said 10th is easier than 9th. What were they thinking?


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