Tuesday, January 11, 2005

the year ahead or wotever!!

I don’t know, but I have a strong feeling that this year is not going to be easy. And it’s the last thing I want, but again, in a way I have always looked forward to it.
I was trying to figure out the good things and the things I think would be bad would ensue in this year.
My respected principal and the concerned school authorities or whatever has come up with the weirdest and the ‘I- don’t- have- words- to- describe’ exam schedule. The exams start in the second week of February and end on the 9th of March. The study leaves are only 4 and the tenthies & twelvethies get 15 holidays less than the rest of the school. What hell??? Why does this always happen to me?
The CBSE, certainly, has plans of introducing a lot of things in this session of tenth standard and what I don’t get is that why do I have to always be caught and be experimented upon (alright, its about all the 1990 or 1989 or 1991 born people who have to go through this but they not all of them were in my previous school, St. Thomas’, where with each passing year they used to end the exams of my previous class).
Now, to be very honest, I don’t mind CBSE introducing the concept of making lots of projects but again, the syllabus remains the same and I would really like the concerned people responsible for all the hoaxed changes to know that making projects is a very interesting task but very, and I mean VERY, time consuming too. I think, practical exams, though create an aura of panic (for normal people, mark my words), are great. I also got to know that these teachers, which come for taking the practicals, are VERY scary. The good part, though not very comforting, is that:

  1. The boards will not be held this year.
  2. I will, FINALLY, get my blue coat.
  3. 12th august 2005 will bring me my 15th birthday.
  4. Can’t think of anything else. Can you?
    I’ve just got over with the history test and my English project. Come to talk of history, I can surely say that I love it but not to the extent of learning the damn long answers (curse them!).

    As you can see, I haven’t talked about the Asia XI vs. the World XI cricket match. The reason, pretty obvious, is that Asia XI lost by 112 RUNS!!!
    Such is weird life!!
    Signing off


Blogger Shubhi said...

yr blue court????? court??? whose givin u a court???

5:38 AM, January 12, 2005  

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