Thursday, January 13, 2005

I don't know!!!!

Though Vinita Sehgal’s gone but the new headmistress (HM) is hopeless. It’s quite weird and hard to believe that she’s supposed to be the H.O.D of the English department!!
I have to say; I’ve started missing Vinci, right away. Mon dieu !! What has the world come to?
I know, I should have better things to talk about. To begin on a happy note, my PROJECT is done and complete. Gentlemen and ladies and bald-headed babies, it is on its way out of the printer. I’m so-so happy.
Also, shubhi has added the message box on the right hand side. I’m thinking of putting some adds, too. What say? I’m not too happy with the visitor figures. But, it’s actually our mistake as we haven’t told many people about it and not many know French to remember the blog’s name. The blog’s name however is not to be changed (at least, in the near future). I have, therefore come up with a technique to speedy learning. Here it goes:
How is it??
Anyways, gtg now.
Signing off


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